We produce custom-made washbasins from cultured marble bathroom worktops - washbasins with integrated countertops, worktops under washbasins, washing troughts, shower trays and slab tiles, all of them custom-made
The company Mramorový efekt s.r.o. has been producing washbasins from cultured marble in Frýdštejn since 1995. We offer custom-made bathroom worktops - countertops with integrated washbasins that are produced by choosing out of 13 types of square, oval or rounded washbasins.
We also produce:
Beside custom-made products we also offer standard washbasins, their shapes and sizes are not to be fitted according to customer requirement.
We produce and supply our bathroom worktops - countertops with integrated washbasins, worktops under washbasins, washing troughts, shower trays or custom-made slab tiles at required shape and size, in any color according to the RAL range or in any of GRANITE SURFACE (variously colored patterns of fine-grained granite surfaces).
In cooperation with designers, we develop new products, based on 3D models or drawing documentation. For architects, designers and builders working in Autodesk Revit Architecture software, we offer our range of custom-made production in the electronic library for Revit. Click here to download the library here.
Selection of realized orders for reference:
subway stations in Prague
Historic building of the National Museum, Wenceslas Square, Prague (photos below)
MSV Metal Studénka a.s.
Sázava Town Hall
Hotel Belcredi, Brno - Líšeň district
facilities of the Sychrov state chateau in cooperation with the National Bureau for Monuments Protection (photos below)
Office for Custody of Real Estate of the city of Znojmo
Cafeteria U Kanovníků on the III. courtyard of Prague Castle (photos below)
Lipno Point Resort - Amenity Resort Lipno
The Park for Science and Technology in Ostrava (photos below)
Nebespán café & apartments, Kašperské hory
Capexus s.r.o., Praha
Brno Waterworks and Sewerage, a.s., Brno - Pisárky (photos below)
ČVUT in Prague - Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Prague (photos below)
Thermenhotel "ALL IN RED", Republic of Austria
The municipal hall of Plavsko
Center for Contemporary Art NEW DOX, Prague - Holešovice (photos below)
Lysá nad Labem exhibition center
Municipal Hall Košúty, Slovak Republic
GIENGER spol. s r.o., Napajedla
Private elementary school, spol. s r.o., Ostrava-Vítkovice
Hybernia Restaurant, Prague
Social facilities at the Darkov Spa (photos below)
kindergartens and primary schools in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany