Colours | Granite - Umyvadlové desky, desky pod umyvadla a umývací žlaby na míru z litého mramoru
Please submit desired colour or granite pattern into the note of your order.
Please note: The computer-displayed RAL colors and granite patterns are informative. The chosen shade may differ from the actual color of the product. We recommend ordering the color according to the official, printed sampler that is normally to be seen at the paint or building material stores in the vicinity of your residence.
Mramorový efekt s.r.o.
Frýdštejn 145 - Na Barborce
463 42 Frýdštejn
Czech Republic
ID: 287 30 607
VAT: CZ28730607
+420 737 783 379
Londýnská 218/10
460 01 Liberec
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